Location: Route 1 from S of Occoquan Rd to N of Annapolis Way, Prince William County, VA
Client: Virginia Department of Transportation
Project Description
As Prince William County, VA sees ongoing growth, traffic along Route 1 has steadily increased. Over the next decade vehicular traffic along the corridor is expected to double. To alleviate the burden on residents, commuters, and local businesses, Fort Myer Construction Corporation (FMCC) was selected for this highway widening and bridge construction project.
This project widened Route 1 from four to six lanes between Marys Way and Annapolis Way in Woodbridge, VA. Pedestrian and bicyclist safety was addressed by constructing a continuous ten-foot-wide shared-use path along southbound Route 1 and a continuous six-foot-wide sidewalk along northbound Route 1. Concrete medians were constructed throughout the project to eliminate left turns to and from the mainline and private driveways.
FMCC scheduled and managed 15 crews through 25 different phases of construction, in an area that averages 39,000 vehicles a day within the project limits. FMCC coordinated daily with VDOT utilities to address onsite utility conflicts, worked with local businesses who were impacted by construction, and liaised with CSX Railroads, as the project included Tunnel Boring Method (TBM) operations underneath the railroad and petroleum pipelines. TBM operations required extensive management of risk, due to heavy equipment and deep excavations in close proximity to substantial railroad traffic. FMCC excavated and shored receiving pits, 35 FT in depth, that required a special shoring design.
FMCC also installed a support of excavation system along Route 1 near the Marumsco Creek to support the existing road while constructing the new bridge, requiring extensive environmental control for stream restoration. Along with the support of excavation, prior to the demolition of the existing bridge, FMCCs team de-tensioned, re-anchored and re-stressed the monostrand tendon, so that the demo work could be done in phases to keep traffic moving regularly.
Additional scope of work included heavy roadway excavation of 83,131 CY of soil, 20,000 LF of storm drain, roadway construction, 88,000 Tons of asphalt, 19,590 LF of concrete curb, sidewalks, stamped medians, gravity retaining walls, extensive erosion and sediment control measures, maintenance of traffic, demolition of structures, asbestos removal, landscaping, 12,000 LF of water line, 5,000 LF of sanitary sewer, new lighting system, new traffic signals, Dynamic Message Sign and a new bridge that included slope protections.
Several major traffic switches were required as part of this project mandating extensive planning with VDOT traffic, Virginia State Police, and public outreach. Scheduling temporary signalizations, temporary pavement markings and temporary asphalt pavement were all required during traffic switches to assure traffic would continue moving safely during construction. FMCC’s experience and partnering with VDOT helped the project reach all its milestones.
Project Significance
As Prince Williams County, VA sees ongoing growth, traffic along Route 1 has steadily increased. Over the next decade vehicular traffic along the corridor is expected to double. This project will provide significant help to alleviate the burden on residents, commuters and local businesses.
“This is going to have a huge positive impact on commuters who use this corridor, not just along Rt. 1, but those who use 95, as well, because now we’ll have a better escape route for those days when 95 gets too backed up,” says Marty Nohe, chairman of the NOVA Transportation Authority.