Fort Myer Construction, celebrating 46 years in business, will be participating in a Job Fair on March 12, 2018, at 2330 Pomeroy Rd SE, Washington DC, in partnership with Washington Gas and the DC Department of Employment Services (DOES). The Job Fair, being held from 1:30-5:30pm, is in conjunction with the official opening of Mayor Muriel Bowser’s DC Infrastructure Academy, unveiled with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 11:30am.
The company is an Equal Opportunity Employer and has an aggressive outreach program to hire local staff and trainees as the construction season is about to begin. Fort Myer is encouraging all interested in working with the company, to attend the March 12th Job Fair and bring their resumes for discussion and application information.
As one of the District’s largest corporations, employing hundreds of District residents, Fort Myer remains loyal to this city and has not taken flight out of the District like other major Corporations. Instead, Fort Myer is dedicated to improving the city’s infrastructure and supporting District communities. In addition to hiring local residents, the company is also committed to professional development for their team and providing the best quality services to this city. Demonstrating this investment in the quality of their team, ten (10) members of Fort Myer’s Asphalt division just returned from Arizona from an intense paving training program in anticipation of a very busy season.
In addition to hiring and training quality staff, the company is also continually seeking local businesses to connect with for upcoming work. Fort Myer will be participating in a Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) Procurement Opportunity Forum on March 15 from 1:00- 3:30pm at the Old Council Chamber: 441 4th Street NW, Washington DC. This forum is called Elevate 2018 and will involve DGS contract opportunities and other government agencies.
Fort Myer is celebrating the 10th Anniversary of its Monthly Small Business Roundtable, spearheaded by Small Business Program Director, Evelyn Ross. The Roundtable helps small businesses in the District compete in the bidding and procurement process; it engages the District’s small businesses in the contracting process; and introduces its members to procurement officers representing government, business, and local opportunities. The 10th Anniversary launch of the Roundtable, featuring Ms. Erin Oliver, Director-Contracts & Procurement, Washington Convention & Sports Authority t/a Events DC, is airing on the District Cable’s DCN during the month of March.
FMCC has a long history of actively participating in community service programs affecting local youth. This community involvement is demonstrated by their recent efforts working with DDOT and Ward 5 community stakeholders to provide improved and additional lighting at a crime-infested neighborhood park located at Downing, “W”, and 13th Streets in Ward 5. The joint effort between Fort Myer, the city, and the community, proved how successful public-private partnerships can be.
About Fort Myer Construction: A top 400 Contractor ranked by ENR focusing on an array of infrastructure disciplines, Fort Myer is a formidable participant in the development and construction of our nation’s capital for 46 years. Their team recently completed the $34M I-66 Multimodal Improvement Program in 12 months, 4 months ahead of schedule. Fort Myer installed 8 new electronic toll gantries, shelters, and high-tech sensors as well as electronic message signs necessary to convert a 10-mile section of I-66 to dynamically-priced high-occupancy toll lane. In addition, Fort Myer just completed the second segment of the four-part roadway rehabilitation of Rock Creek Parkway in NorthwestWashington. The $39M project, spearheaded by the National Park Service, is the first complete reconstruction of Beach Drive in 25 years.
