Fort Myer’s Intersection Reconstruction Project at Georgia Avenue and Randolph Road was front and center Thursday, April 2, as Maryland State Highway Administration held a press conference at the job site to raise awareness about work zone safety.
The Washington Post: “Maryland launches busy road work season” “Caution urged for drivers in work areas”
Montgomery County Media: “Work zone crashes on the rise”
As we pack away snow removal equipment and Spring brings celebrations of warmth and activity, road construction projects come back in full swing. Along with more work comes more risky exposure of our workers to the driving public. With hundreds of maintenance and construction projects already underway, and work zone-related crashes on the rise, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan declared April as Work Zone Safety Awareness Month. Safety partners, including Fort Myer Construction, are emphasizing that roadway work zone safety is everyone’s business and drivers should be aware when orange is there. More than the color of barrels and cones, orange represents protecting people: drivers, passengers and workers.
