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Fort Myer Construction to Play a Leading Role in DC's First P3 Project

The DC Smart Street Lighting project will convert more than 75,000 streetlights to LED technology

Fort Myer Construction was selected to play a critical role in completing electrical work for the District of Columbia’s first Public-Private Partnership (P3).

The DC Smart Street Lighting Project is a contract to convert the District’s street lights to energy-efficient LED technology. This project is instrumental to increasing the District’s sustainability efforts by reducing streetlight energy consumption.

“Our ability to modernize our infrastructure is directly related to our ability to increase the quality of life for Washingtonians in all eight wards,” said Mayor Bowser. “With this project, we’re doing so much more than just replacing lights – we’re making our streets safer, our communities more connected, and our city more resilient.”

“I am excited that DDOT is leading the charge to complete the nation’s largest urban streetlight modernization project,” said District Department ofTransportation (DDOT) Director Everett Lott. “LEDs provide better lighting and fewer outages, helping us to improve safety and meet our Vision Zero goals.”

DDOT anticipates groundbreaking for the LED conversion to begin by January 2023.


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