FMCC performed a volunteer utility project to cap a 12″ water pipe in northwest DC at The Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH), which provides residences and related services for certain retired and former members of the Armed Forces. Helmets to Hardhats Foundation reached out to FMCC thru the Operating Engineers Local Union 77 to do this work at The AFRH and the project was completed on Saturday, April 21, 2018.
12″ Water Main Capped at the Armed Forces Retirement Home
The AFRH needed this 12” water pipe capped on their golf course because it was creating a loss of water and money each year. They needed to stop it from draining and making ruts along the Veteran’s course. The water main is approximately 6 to 8 feet below grade and required a backhoe and two areas to be capped. FMCC was escorted on the property Saturday morning to donate the time, equipment, and labor to successfully complete this community service project.

Pothole Repairs at Arlington American Legion Parking Lot
Wednesday, April 18, FMCC donated asphalt and labor to fill several potholes in the Arlington American Legion parking lot. The Post Commander said the legion’s parking lot is a key source of revenue for the Post and it was in desperate need of repair. They didn’t have access to funds to patch it and asked FMCC to help. Our Asphalt team donated material and time to the Arlington American Legion to repair their parking lot and lend a hand to a neighbor in need.
