Giving back to DC, Maryland, and Virginia
Community is central to our mission at Fort Myer Construction
While many construction firms strive to have a national footprint, Fort Myer Construction is focused solely on serving the communities of DC, Maryland, and Virginia. We know if it were not for this region, we would not have the growth we value so much today. As a result, we believe it’s our mission to give back to the region that has given so much to us. We strive every day to provide the best service and work product for the people of DC, Maryland and Virginia. We also believe it is our responsibility to support our communities and invest in organizations making a difference for the people we serve.
We care for DC, Maryland and Virginia because we live and raise our families here
Our team doesn’t just work in DC, Maryland, and Virginia, we call this home and raise our families here too. To us, giving back to this region is not an obligation, it’s personal.
The civic character of the company is seen in its regular support of numerous civic associations, clubs, and teams.
The company contributes to improving DC’s infrastructure and supports the worthy efforts of DC Students Constructions Trades Foundation and other programs to support job training and inner city school children.
Investing in our community’s future
We take pride in investing in organizations that improve the lives of the families and children of our region. Fort Myer Construction provides support in the form of volunteering personal time, making monetary donations, donating materials, and providing services to organizations such as FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association, Washington DC Police Foundation, Goodwill of Greater Washington, Covenant House, Community of Hope, After School All Stars, Imagination Stage and others.
Fort Myer believes community work reflects on the integrity of the company and has therefore established the Fort Myer Construction Corporation Charitable Foundation to support its efforts, as well as the charitable work of employees who also appreciate the importance of civic involvement.
DC Students Constructions Trades Foundation Video
Fort Myer Day at the DC Infrastructure Academy (DCIA)
Helping local small businesses achieve their American Dream
The history of our growth as a construction company in and around this region positions us to uniquely understand and appreciate the aspirations of small and minority/disadvantaged owned businesses. In our formative years, we were the beneficiary of small and minority contracting programs, including the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 8(a) program. The support offered by these programs allowed Fort Myer to grow from a small contractor building residential patios and driveways to the formidable presence we currently maintains in our region’s construction market.
To help local small businesses achieve their own American Dream, we created the the FMCC Small Business Relationship and Networking Roundtable.
The roundtable guest speakers are from the government and private sector. These experts lead various workshops on enhancing business growth, partnering, finance, bonding, relationship building, subcontracting opportunities, business procurement opportunities, and more. Consequently, participants are introduced to local, federal, and private industry professionals, as well as contract procurement officials.
As a result of this program, participants have entered into contracts and business relationships with many of the presenting agencies, operating as either subcontractors or even prime contractors on different projects. Our FMCC small business members are networking, interacting, and developing business relationships/teams that strengthen their capacities and create a strong positive impact when seeking larger opportunities.
Standing with our Small Business Partners Video